AutumnSummerSpringWinterWinterDaniel Litim

Chair, NExT@SEPnet

Department of Physics and Astronomy
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK

+44 1273 877 455 (phone)         
+44 1273 873 124 (fax)
+44 1273 678 557 (secretary)
d.litim"at" (e-mail)
d.f.litim (skype)

  Research interests          Conferences and workshops          Some talks          Publications          whereabouts

NEW:  winterschool
2016 Schladming Winter School in Theoretical Physics

New Trends in Particle Physics, Quantum Gravity, and Cosmology

   Schladming, Feb 21-26, 2016

The 2016 edition of the Schladming Winter School in Theoretical Physics will
be on new trends  and open challenges in the understanding of the microcosm.

With the discovery of a Standard Model-like scalar boson at the LHC and no
further clear-cut observation of new phenomena at the electroweak scale the
quest for a natural description of the microcosm has become even more pressing.
Evaluating new theoretical frameworks which UV-complete the Standard
Model or benchmark models beyond the SM, fascinates physicists across the
various communities including those working on model building, particle
phenomenology, quantum gravity, cosmology and formal theory.

Key speakers will deliver a series of lectures (typically 2-4 hours each). Additional
seminars related to the topics of the School by selected participants and a poster
session add to the vibrancy of the event.


Astrid Eichhorn
(Imperial College)  Asymptotic Safety
Petr Horava (UC Berkeley) Gravity and the Quantum
Hugh Osborn (U Cambridge) Advances in Quantum Field Theory
Tilman Plehn (U Heidelberg) Collider Physics: Modern Tools and Techniques
Veronica Sanz (U Sussex) Models for the LHC and Beyond
Martin Schmaltz (Boston U) Fundamental Theory Beyond the Standard Model
Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPF Lausanne) Particle Physics and Cosmology


Please access if you wish to participate,
and complete the registration form no later than January 31, 2016.

focus workshop

  Shaping UV physics beyond the Standard Model

   Durham IPPP, 12-15 July 2015

With the discovery of a SM-like scalar boson at the LHC and no further clear-cut observation of new phenomena at the electroweak scale the quest for a natural description of the microcosm becomes even more pressing. Shaping new theoretical frameworks which UV-complete the SM or benchmark BSM models fascinates physicists across the various communities including those of model building, particle phenomenology, quantum gravity, cosmology and formal theory.

Recent advances have taken place in several directions, for example in the area of scale invariance including models of interacting UV fixed points with or without quantized gravity, models with other modifications of the short-distance behaviour, portals and simplified models providing frameworks for phenomenological tests connecting field-theoretical ideas with particle physics experiment, and so forth. This informal 3-day workshop aims to bring together practitioners/thinkers actively working in these areas to pool and exchange ideas concerning UV physics, and to explore future avenues and experimental opportunities.

ASmeetsPP  2015
informal workshop III

Asymptotic safety meets particle physics

  Sussex, 16-18 Jun 2015

UK-QFT  2015
4th workshop UK-QFT

  Non-perturbative quantum field theory and quantum gravity

  Imperial College, 30 March 2015

The workshop brings together early career researchers and senior
scientists to discuss results, perspectives, and novel trends in
quantum field theory and quantum gravity.

NExT Meeting at Sussex 2014
NExT Institute Meeting 2014

News from BSM, Supersymmetry, and the Higgs

Sussex, 19 Nov, 2014

The NExT Institute  is a joint initiative of Queen Mary and Westfield University London, Royal Holloway University London, Rutherford Lab Oxford, U Southampton and U Sussex to promote the phenomenology of particle physics at the interface between theory and experiment.

ASmeetsPP  2014
informal workshop II

Asymptotic safety meets particle physics

  Sussex, 10-12 Feb 2014

UK-QFT  2013
2nd workshop UK-QFT

  Advances in quantum field theory and gravity

  Sussex, 27 June 2013

Asymptotic Safety  2013
informal workshop I

  Asymptotically safe gravity at colliders

  Dortmund 15-17 May 2013

NExT Meeting at Sussex 2012
NExT Institute Meeting 2012

Towards the NExT Standard Model

Sussex, 14 March, 2012

The NExT Institute  is a joint initiative of Queen Mary and Westfield University London, Royal Holloway University London, Rutherford Lab Oxford, U Southampton and U Sussex to promote the phenomenology of particle physics at the interface between theory and experiment.
Graduate Lectures  2011
Sussex U provides a Graduate Lecture Series on

  Quantum field theory and the renormalisation group

presented at

BUSSTEPP 2011, Nottingham

Graduate Lectures  2011

Sussex U provides a Graduate Lecture Series on

Renormalisation group and gravitation

at  the

49. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik:
Physics at all scales: the renormalisation group

Schladming, Feb 26 - Mar  5, 2011

iNExT Meeting at Sussex 2010
Sussex U organises the NExT Inaugural Meeting

The NExT Phase in Particle Physics

23-24, September 2010, University of Sussex

The workshop will gather international research leaders together with postgraduates and early career researchers from the UK and beyond, to discuss recent advances and prospects for fundamental particle physics, including electroweak symmetry breaking, dark matter,  flavour, neutrino and astroparticle physics.

The NExT Institute  is a joint initiative of Royal Holloway University London, Rutherford Lab Oxford, U Southampton and U Sussex to promote the phenomenology of particle physics at the interface between theory and experiment.

Graduate Lectures  2010
Sussex U provides a Graduate Lecture Series on

  Quantum field theory and the renormalisation group

presented at

BUSSTEPP 2010, Swansea

Graduate Lectures  2009

Sussex U provides a Graduate Lecture Series on

Non-perturbative gravity and the renormalisation group

at  the

49th Cracow School of Theoretical Physics,
"Non-perturbative Gravity and Quantum Chromodynamics", Zakopane, Poland

Zakopane, May 31 - Jun 10, 2009

First NExT Meeting at Sussex 2009

Sussex U organises the first NExT Institute Meeting 2009

Towards the NExT Standard Model

Friday, April 3, 2009, University of Sussex

The NExT Institute  is a joint initiative of Royal Holloway University London, Rutherford Lab Oxford, U Southampton and U Sussex to promote the phenomenology of particle physics at the interface between theory and experiment.

Graduate Lectures  2009

Sussex U provides a Graduate Lecture Series on

News from Quantum Gravity

at  the

XXII Heidelberg Graduate Days of Fundamental Physics, 2009

Mar 23 - 27, 2009

Workshop 2008
First International Workshop on
Continuum and Lattice Approaches to Quantum Gravity

at the University of Sussex
(17-19 Sep 2008)

The recent years have seen substantial progress in the understanding of quantum gravity as a local quantum theory of the metric field, despite its perturbative non-renormalisability. Interesting results have been achieved recently, based on non-perturbative renormalisation group techniques in the continuum, numerical simulations on the lattice, and new ideas within perturbation theory. This workshop will gather the leading scientists in these fields to share their expertise, evaluate results and phenomenological implications, and stimulate further studies relating these approaches and neighbouring ones.

Graduate School 2008
School on Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory:
From Quantum Chromodynamics to Quantum Gravitation

at the University of Sussex
(15-16 Sep 2008)

Many of the fascinating and challenging problems in high energy and particle physics involve phenomena at strong coupling. Understanding the underlying physics often requires non-perturbative methods ranging from renormalisation group approaches in the continuum to numerical simulations on the lattice. Therefore, the University of Sussex invites advanced PhD students and junior postdocs to attend a 2-day school on non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory. This will also enable the school participants to attend, and maximally benefit from, the subsequent workshop on Continuum and Lattice Approaches to Quantum Gravity (see above).

PhD studentships and postdoctoral positions

Lecture course 2008

University of Sussex - introductory course on

Renormalisation Group and Quantum Field Theory

on Wednesdays 2pm during summer term 2008. For an outline, literature and venue information see

Media coverage 2008
Headline news report at on
Sussex/Edinburgh publication ( PRL): 
Testing Quantum Gravity at the LHC

Winterschool 2008

Sussex U provides Lecture series on the

Functional Renormalisation Group - Theory and Applications
at  the
Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2008 (Jan 28 - Feb 08, 2008)
on Theoretical High Energy Physics

Workshop 2007

Renormalisation Group and Effective Field Theories (EFT 07)

Sussex U and Durham IPPP Workshop
(27 - 29 Sep 2007)
Organisers: P. Ball and D. Liti

The last couple of years has seen numerous applications of RG techniques and effective theories even across the more standard boundaries of research areas. Topics recently covered include the physics of strongly coupled QCD and low energy models thereof, fermionic theories and cold atoms, the physics of BEC, non-relativistic systems, nuclear physics, gravity and even dynamical phenomena. The workshop aims at bringing together groups which actively work in these areas in order to exchange ideas/techniques, evaluate common denominators, generate interactions, and to identify interesting future directions. The schedule will also allow for open discussions amongst participants.
- Talks now online! -

Wind and weather